Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Homework, Catch up, and more crafts...

So the end of term is coming up. You have to understand, I have been to my knees deep in homework and I missed 1 day, in math, and now... behold ten missing assignments. I guess I picked the wrong day to miss. Anyhow, I have gotten lots of homework, +drivers education. Which gives like 2 assignment worksheets EVERY night. Including after school driving= not very much time to do those assignments. :P Anyway, hopefully I will catch up before term ends!

My friends stopped at my house the other night. They wanted me to be part of their boutique that they are hosting. So now.. lots of jewelry and craft making!! Well its a good thing thats what I love to do. Hopefully I can get those done before Halloween also! Its a definitely busy busy month.  So thats whats up! <3/Kate.

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